Sunday, August 12, 2007


Well,sorry for the revealing our friend...well...i was so busy in the past week..well due to my material conditioning i just could not write anything about our dear most friend.Well our friend kept reminding me..Preethi reveal the secret soon...reveal the secret soon...but sadly even i dint listen to my friend...but he is so so merciful...that i am writing it finally....phew!Thanks friend for showering your causeless mercy.
Well our friend took incarnation to save it wow...we may all exclaim but it is true.A friend taking an incarnation just to save just out of words...imagine will your very close anything like this...well its impossible for persons like us...but for our friend everything is possible...and he took an incarnation only for save us..from???But we are just wasting our most precious lives....doing unwanted things...enjoying and doing things which gives us temporary the previous blog itself i mentioned....partying etc..and doing other unnecessary things...but we haven't realized that all this is really temporary...what is happiness...what does one do to get happy...let me answer in a gist...everyone is in search of something....well we do things which we think.....something which will make us happy...not us..but our soul happy...our food for our body is what we eat.....whats that...oh yeah...going out on the road...eating something tasty....and enjoying....shelling out money from your pocket..well we enjoy for sometime...well thats temporary too...everyone feels the same...well...we gotta change...learn something which will make us realize what is all this..and also...what is the difference...between temporary and permanent happiness....and guess what...what am going to reveal to permanent happiness...well if you don't get permanent can always come and contact me.The truth about our friend is so blissful and wonderful...if we taste it once...we yearn for it more and more....and the more we yearn for it....the more we love him...and the more we love him...he will love you in a thousand wonderful.And follows is the food for the soul :O
Well before all this...i just want to you to experience this sweetness and let me know.Its truly blissful...its not an ordinary rasagolla :P whose taste will leave your tongue after 10 minutes...of consuming is so sweet...that it will linger and linger...of much you are absorbed in it....and taste it.Take an example of sugarcane...the more you chew it..the more juice comes out...and the more is.It is truly sublime and it is practically proved...and not only experienced by us...but now by thousands and thousands of people all over the world.
Well let me give a small gist of why our friend came to this world...with his other pure and true friends or i already save can ask us from sure you will get thoughts like this....but i have a reply...this can either change you...hopefully....or you may remain the all depends on what and how you take it.This sweet and most merciful friend incarnated to save us all living souls...and give us permanent happiness and did you ever realize...or been told that we are here in this human form of life...the most wonderful form of is wonderful because we can do things on our own...not like animals who cannot think...for they have not been given the intelligence...which we have been given to understand the science and the purpose of this life...and we have to be the same really unhappy...seeing this world in this condition...killing,murder,kidnappings,wars,blood shed,calamities are showing their tsunamis and earth quakes,etc.All we see and hear in the news is someone is killed...or there is a bomb blast somewhere....thousands of innocent people are killed....their so called wonderful life...their dreams aspirations are all shattered.How will their family members feel...when they lose someone...its terrible...actually...but we all gotta remember...this is all according to the laws of nature...everything happens to the Lord's will.
Hmm everyone wants to remain immortal and youthful...youthful...yes...there are thousands of creams in the market...which will make you look young...oops...i wont be mentioning the brands here....but just applying..may make you look really young and fair....just imagine 20 years from now...where is that beauty,that luster on your face gone...what is the use of the creams....who can stop birth,death,old age and disease.But anyone able to stop death...who knows the next minute..there is danger....danger in every one can escape the cycle of birth and death...everyone has to suffer in this world...according to his past deeds.I have one more quote by Srila Prabhupada before i write further ''This material body is like a machine, but within the heart is the soul, and with the soul is the Supersoul, Krsna, who gives directions. The Lord says, "You wanted to do this; now here is the chance. Go and do it." If you are sincere, you say, "Now, God, I want You." Then He will give you directions. "Yes, now you come and get Me like this."
This whole confused world is just like a blazing forest fire. In a forest fire all the animals are confused. They do not know where to go to save their lives. In the blazing fire of the material world, everyone is confused. How can that blazing forest fire be extinguished? It is not possible to utilize your man-made fire brigade, nor is it possible to simply pour buckets of water. The solution comes when rain from the clouds falls on the forest fire. Only then can the fire be extinguished. That ability is not in your hands, but is in the mercy of God. So, human society is in a confused state, and it cannot find a the only suggestion is take the shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu who is Lord Krishna himself and who has incarnated to deliver fallen souls.,,,he initiated the chanting of the holy names of the this Kali Yuga...the age of quarrel and hypocrisy.There is a wonderful verse....In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy...the chanting of the holy names of the Lord is the only solution...there is no other way no other may...ask me...who told you this....this is proved in the scriptures....please contact any Vaishanava for proof...they will surely give...:).The Lord is so merciful that he taught the Love of God to everyone...well maybe we are separating everyone into various castes...calling him...or saying...he is a brahmin...or he is a sudra....the Lord mercifully....gave everyone...and elevated the most degraded person to the highest platform of a Vaishanva....that is the causeless mercy of the Lord.Here is a wonderful quote"The Supreme Personality of Godhead, influenced by the merciful devotees' attempt to deliver fallen souls, enlightens the people in general from within by His causeless mercy."So there is so much..evidence about our dear most Lord.He chanted the holy names in real ecstacy...cried,trembled,perspired,falls and rolls on the ground.....the Lord himself...if he hears anyone chanting to these holy names...he immediately gets pleased...and showers his mercy on him....and gives him everything.So once...if once...we try to chant the holy name...which is the most blissful....we get so attracted to the names...and by constant chanting of the holy names...we get love for Krishna.This life is practically useless...we are like Srila Prabhupada often used this quote....animals sleep..we also sleep...animals eat...we also eat...animals...defend themselves..we also do that...animals mate...we also do it....but wait there is one difference...but one thing we differ is God has given us intelligence and the poor animals differ from that....and we should use this learn the science of God...but what are we using this for...temporary enjoyment.
A small test...just go to Krishna temple and observe him from his Lotus Feet to his most beautiful face...and those lovely Lotus Petal like is so so beautiful...tell me who wont attracted to such beauty...even Cupid is ashamed before the Lords beauty.....our such a dear friend is giving us a last chance to receive permanent happiness and it is our chance to use know what benefit we will get....its a offer...not like your Big bazaar or food world offer...if you chant his holy names and love him....and serve him...and if he is pleased...he will give us the greatest gift....he will take you home...back to Godhead....which is our eternal home.This world is temporary and full of miseries.If we make proper advancement....we will go back to Godhead...and never return here...Godhead...there is only happiness enemity....nothing...all around is happiness.happiness..and only happiness...guess in the company of the most beautiful Lord we will live....serving him always...there will be all opulences i wont be going into philosophy must experience and understand.Also know that the Lord has mercifully and freely distributed it all its our chance...better now or friends...this is the little secret i could reveal it to you today....well i dint want to go into deep philosophy and confuse you...i just gave a brief idea....this idea...i sure enough to help a really minute is another one....''Krsna places before you''. See Krsna behind these obstacles asking, "What's important to you? Do you want Me or do you want something else?" See it as a chance to increase your determination and take another step towards Krsna.Think of it friends....think of is your life..and dont search for happiness is with you...the Lord is within you...he is within everyone...he is the Super soul residing in everybody's heart....only thing is we have forgotten him for a really long time...just awaken yourself...and realize the most important thing of life....
Well last before i conclude...i have one small verse...“Krsna will guide you. Krsna is within yourself, and He can speak to you. You can hear Him also, provided you are fully surrendered.”Realizations are Krsna’s special gifts to us, gems of wisdom personally delivered for our individual spiritual progress. What a good friend He is!

Yes i agree...what a good and true friend he is.Cannot rely upon anybody except him!!!

Well this blog is meant for everyone...not specifying please forgive me if i committed any offense...and yes...please bless me so that I KEEP LOVING MY GOOD AND SWEETEST FRIEND AND KEEP SERVING HIM AND HIS ASSOCIATES ETERNALLY!!!!

Please Chant:
and be happy always.