Thursday, November 22, 2007

Vrindavan Dham!

Sri Vrindavan Dham ki Jaya!
Jaya Sri Radhe Shyama!

Firstly it is the causeless mercy of Smt.Radharani for giving me entry into her Dham.I never expected that i would Sri Vrindavan Dham,the plans i made was so confusing at first but due to the causeless mercy of Smt.Radharani everything went on very very well and so much of causeless mercy was showered upon this most fallen soul.
I firstly also thank my God sisters for inviting me to come with them when my trip was so confusing.We left for Sri Vrindavan Dham,we all got into the train and it was so wonderful being with devotees and kept discussing Gaura Lila.Gaura Lila is so wonderful and Lord Gaurahari is so merciful.We were discussing various pastimes.Enjoyed a lot on the train.The next morning a few devotees got down at Mathura and we proceeded to Delhi as we had to go to Jaipur.We went to Sri Sri Radha Parthasarathy temple at Delhi,a wonderful and a very huge temple.I was just amazed the way the temple was maintained.On the walls of the temple were the pastimes of Lord Gaurahari,and i couldn't stop staring at them,especially the pastime when Gaurahari falls into ecstacy when he sees Lord Jagannath.We were at the temple for a long time and the deities were very beautiful.We had a wonderful time there.Then we proceeded to the station where we had to leave for Jaipur.It was an overnight journey and the morning we reached Jaipur and we first went to Sri Sri Radha Govinda Mandir which was the deity brought from Vrindavan Dham for Mangal aarti.It was so wonderful and there were thousands of devotees early morning.They all were so devoted.Its sad that we all don t go for Mangal Aarti but at the Radha Govinda temple there are thousands of devotees each morning,eagerly waiting for the darshan of their dear most Lordships.It was an amazing sight to see.We had the darshan of HH.Rompada Swami Maharaj.Immediately we left after Mangal Aarti for Sri Sri Radha Damodar temple.There were so many devotees there also.We sang the Damodar Ashtakam there.Radha Damodar sported yellow garments and they looked so beautiful.Immediately we left for a temple of Lord Shiva where we had to perfrom abhishekam of Lord Shiva.We prayed for Lord Shiva's mercy as he is the greatest Vaishnava.Then we left for Sri Radha Vinodarilal temple.The deities were small but they looked just beautiful.Vinodarilal ji looked like Sri Radha Raman ji in Vrindavan.Then we left for Sri Sri Radha Gopinath temple.We were there for darshan aarti.It was so wonderful.Radha Gopinath is always merciful and looked so sweet.Later after darshan,we left for the Birla Mandir,Sri Lakshmi Narayan temple.The deities were huge and they looked really beautiful.Then we had prasadam in a temple.Later we saw many temples around Jaipur.We went to the temple where there was Ganga water coming out of a Cows mouth.It was wonderful.On top was the temple where Baladeva Vibhushana wrote commentary looking at the beautiful face of Govinda.Then we went to many more temples.We went to the temple which rich Zamindars had built.Then in the evening we went to the Jaipur Palace which is just behind Sri Sri Radha Govind temple.The palace was very wonderful and it had beautiful paintings of Sri Sri Radha Govinda ji.Then we left for Mathura by bus and reached Mathura late night and reached Vrindavan Dham at 12 in the night.
First paid our obeisances to Sri Vrindavan Dham.The entry of Vrindavan Dham itslef was so exciting.It had so much of spiritual bliss and it made everybody smile.We waited for a room and finally got one and slept for a few hours.Immediately got ready and went for Darshan Aarti.I entered Sri Sri Krishna Balaram Mandir after a whole year.I was just too excited about the temple.Immediately went to Srila Prabhupada's Samadhi and paid my obeisances.Without Srila Prabhupada's mercy all the people all over the world would have not known the glories of Sri Vrindavan Dham and i wouldnt have visited the Dham too.Then immediately ran to see the Lordships Sri Sri Gaura Nitai,Sri Sri Krishna Balaram and Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar.They wore a wonderful dress and they looked just amazing.Immediately took darshan and sat down for Srimad Bhagavatam class.Listened to the class and it was just amazing.Finally went for prasadam.I asked whether i could serve prasadam and they readily agreed.Srila Prabhupada always used to say that serving prasadam to Vaishnavas was the best service ever.Prabhupada himself used to serve his disciples and always asked them to have more prasadam :) This serving of prasadam gave immense of happiness to me and i always did it whole heartedly.The whole day was at the temple,chanting and doing some small services.Days in Vrindavan passed by so quickly and was absorbed in everything and the mood of Vrajavasis should be brought to actually be in Vrindavan Dham.
The next day was Diwali or the festival of lights,the actual day when Damodar Lila took place.Everybody was so enthusiastic and the day went by...we went to temples like Radha Damodar,Radha Gopinath,Radha Govind,Sri Bankey Bihari ji and Sri Radha Raman and many other temples.They were so wonderful.Whole morning was spent visiting temples.It was so wonderful to see.Then went back to serve prasadam.Then in the evening there was wonderful kirtan by Aindra prabhu and it was just amazing and everyone offered lamps and we stayed upto 10 in the temple enjoying blissful Harinaam.
The next day was Go Puja,it was an important day for me especially when Guru Maharaj was working so hard to establish Varnasrama Dharma.After Srimad Bhagavatam class,Sri Sri Krishna Balaram were taken in a palanquin to the Goshala.There were many Sanyasis who spoke about how important is cow protection.I had to realize its importance more.Then we had a small Harinaam.I went and fed cows,and prayed to mother cow to help me serve her and help Guru Maharaj for establishing Varnasrama Dharma.It was a wonderful day and after that had a blissful time in the temple.And we had a big annakuta of Giriraja and the most ecstatic kirtan of Aindra prabhu where everyone just fell into ecstasy.And in the evenings we used to go to the temple and just sit before Sri Sri Krishna Balaram or just stare at Balarams rosy cheeks and how adorable he looked and i used to stare for hours together and he was so merciful and used to get a garland every single day and we used to be thrilled.
The next day was Govardhan parikrama a parikrama of 28 kilometers and only Smt.Radharani and Giriraj should give us blessings to complete this parikrama.We started at 6 in the morning at Radha kunda and went through Kusuma Sarovar,Manasa Ganga and the forests of Govardhan.Was wondering OH KRISHNA YOU LIFTED SUCH A HUGE HILL.And then we reached Radha Kunda at 12 in the afternoon and took a dip in Radha Kunda,where i saw a devotee falling into ecstasy...the first time in my whole life i saw this devotee.He was reciting the Radha Kunda Ashtakam.He was crying,his voice was chocked up,he couldn't sing at all.He was in the waters of Radha Kunda falling into ecstasy each time..he was crying and crying and oh Lord Hari i wondered i wanted to just stare and stare at him.I then paid him obeisances from a far off place.He was a very blessed and fortunate soul.Vaishnavas are so exalted that the dust of their Lotus Feet purifies the entire universe.Then we went to the Samadhi of Sripad Maharaj.Then we completed our parikrama and again paid dandavats and thanked the Lord for making us perform a parikrama of Giriraj.We returned to the temple,happy and was full of energy.In the evening there was a beautiful kirtan and we danced forgetting all the pain.Really the mercy of the Lord is so much.
The next day was a free day.We went to more temples like Nidhuvan,Nikunj and a few more temples.We went to Loi Bazaar to finish our shopping.I bought Gaura Nitai deities and they look so adorable and yeah Gopi dresses and chanting bags.tilak,and so much....devotees need so much of things too :) We then bought mukuts,lockets,jewelery,dresses and so much.We returned back tired and went to take prasadam.Again got an opportunity to serve devotees.Then back to the temple whole day and enjoyed blissful Harinaam till late night.Met senior devotees whom we meet only once a year.
The next day went to Nanda Gaon and Barsana.It was an ecstatic trip.Friends all came there.We went to Vrinda Kund,Caitanya Mahaprabhu's bhajan kutira,and so many places.In Barsana begged for the mercy of Smt.Radharani.Then returned back tired and happy.Whole day spent in the temple :)
The next day is the most important day,the disappearance day of Jagat Guru Srila Prabhupada,the savior who gave the whole world Krishna Consciousness.It was a wonderful day.Srila Prabhupada was brought and all his disciples and grand disciples gave so many offerings.Out of which a mataji spoke so emotionally that i began to cry and immediately the whole audience began to feel bad and many shed tears.I just want to beg her Lotus Feet and how grateful she was to Srila Prabhupada.Then there was the abhisheka ceremony of Srila Prabhupada.Everyone was so happily performing it and also we had a wonderful time and awesome kirtan.Then we all chanted many rounds.Finally we got wonderful prasadam.We were all very happy.The day was spent in Srila Prabhupada's Samadhi Mandir and i got flowers too :) and then we went to the museum where there was the best Harinaam by Aindra prabhu.There were kathas going on every single day and the whole atmosphere was so transcendental.Devotees from all over the world came to Sri Vrindavan Dham especially for this day for Srila Prabhupada and no one can ever thank him for the gift he has given us and millions of whom are getting benefited every single day.
It was the last day in Sri Vrindavan Dham.There was a Rath Yatra in Delhi,but i think it was Sri Radhe's causeless mercy and she allowed me to stay for the last day in Vrindavan Dham.It was a gloomy day because if Smt.Radharani allowed i could come even the next year.I was sad because i would be leaving Sri Vrindavan Dham.Whole day was in the temple.Dint move out of the temple because i cannot see their Lordships for a year again.And again i was sitting under the tree,when mataji asked me ''Could you come for service'' and i was like why not and again on the last day i got some wonderful service of serving.We were all happy.Met some devotees again.It was going to be 4 and i was waiting for the last darshan as we would be leaving in a few minutes and i was staring at Sri Sri Krishna Balaram for a long time.Then time came to leave.It was just an emotional hour.Few of us began to cry.Who would want to leave Sri Vrindavan Dham?The temples,the Lilas,the devotees and everything so wonderful.There is no fear in Vrindavan Dham.Paid our final obeisances to the Dham and begged that i could be called next year too.Hope Radharani is listening to this prayer of mine.
I just cannot forget and thank HG.Parama Karuna Devi Dasi mataji who gave me service every single day.Its her causless mercy.And the other devotees and my dear most god sisters who brought me to the Dham and also all the wonderful devotees.Gaura Nitai Das prabhu,and so many other devotees my heart felt thanks to everyone.It was the most blissful experience being in Sri Vrindavan Dham.It is the causeless and causeless mercy of Smt.Radharani and Shyamasundar.Krishna Balaram i miss them loads.Again back to routine life in this mundane city.Begging unto the Lotus Feet of all the Vaishnavas to bless me so that i can visit Sri Vrindavan Dham year after year.

Sri Vrindavan Dham ki Jaya!
Sri Radha Shyamasundar ki Jaya!
Srila Prabhupada ki Jaya!
All Glories to Vaishnavas!
Hari bol