Monday, March 3, 2008

What is the definition of causeless mercy?

Today at this moment am in full transcendental bliss.Its Ekadasi today,i feel like jumping high in the air.Today i got a definition of causeless mercy.And i want to share it with all of you :)
Let me start,today my Guru Maharaj is leaving for Sri Dham Mayapur to give a large conference on Varnasrama Dharma.So this morning i wanted to give him a send off at the airport.So i had gone to my God sisters place for the Srimad Bhagavatam class.After that,i had a time of 15 minutes to pick up my another God sister to go to the airport.I don t really know what happened,when i went to my god sisters place,her keys weren't to be seen.We were searching and searching but still we couldn't find it.At the end,we found it after a long long time.And we were rushing on the bike,praying that Guru Maharaj should have not left our god sisters place.On the way we just stopped for a minute to have darshan of HH.Bhakti Vikas Swami Maharaj. Then again we sped on our vehicle to realize that Guru Maharaj had already left :( and we had very little time to reach the airport.Again at the rate of 60kms per hour we i drove but not like the first day,it was too late.
We reached the airport,and immediately rushed,not knowing any details of the flight nor anything.We were not able to see any devotees too.Something struck me.We got a ticket and rushed inside,just had an intense desire to see Guru Maharaj and give him a send off.Just then i just walked near and saw my Guru Maharaj!!!!Omg it was so amazing.Then my God brother told Guru Maharaj that we had come to see him and he waved His hand and said Hare Krishna!We were so happy!!And we were waiting to see him off.And we were smiling and chanting and filled with so much of joy.
Just then another god brother of mine got a wheel chair for my Guru Maharaj.We still had the desire to have a close darshan of Guru Maharaj :) Then i don t really know what happened.I think Krishna made the airport worker to bring Guru Maharaj near us.I was thrilled.As soon as Guru Maharaj came before us.I and my god sister paid obeisances.He asked"What happened?How come you are here?" I replied,Guru Maharaj it was late so i had to just rush in.He smiled and said yes,time he said.I was overjoyed.He asked us to take care and again we paid our obeisances and he said Hare Krishna with a huge smiling face,which always mesmerizes me,its so amazing.
I really dint know what was this called.I defined it as causeless causeless mercy.I just had an intense desire and the Lord fulfilled it!!!I was thinking that Guru and Gauranga are so merciful to us.Just an intense desire can be fulfilled.It was just amazing.I cant describe it in words,honestly.I felt like leaping in the airport and dint really know what to do.Krishna is so kind.So this is a definition of real causeless mercy.I don t really know how i can thank the airport helper.Is this Krishna's Lila to fulfill our desire?Why was the keys not to be found?!!!Certain things our mundane senses cannot perceive.And its so true.Am now still filled with transcendental ecstacy.Thank You Guru Maharaj for allowing this most fallen soul,to serve you for these days.You have been too kind.I think its my utmost fortune to do such menial services and still You are so pleased.Thank You so much for seeing this most fallen soul,and asking about my welfare :) I have no words to express.Do you guys know what is this called?

Airport Lila ki Jaya!
Airport helper ki Jaya!
Guru Maharaj ki Jaya!
Nitai Gaura Hari Hari Bol!