Monday, December 15, 2008

Welcome back! Well, I am welcoming myself, its really been ages, since I wrote a blog or shared some stuff. Well life has been really busy, visting Dhams, and traveling a real lot. Life has been blissful and ecstatic and every moment I take it as causeless mercy! I will be writing again! Sorry to those who read my blogs often and had to read the same ones all over again and again!! :D Gurudeva has been even more and more merciful. So see you guys............!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Remember Krsna,death is nearing!

I am a bit sad writing this blog. Till yesterday night i was the happiest person around singing Harinaam and reading Teachings of Queen Kunti with my god sisters,till i heard that one of my god sisters husband left His body. He is H.G Sundar Hari Das prabhu. Usually, many devotees,don t mingle easily with others,it takes quite some time. Sundar Hari prabhu is one of those rarest exceptions. He was a very very jovial,wonderful,caring and a very understanding person. I met him during my Vrindavan Yatra last year. We both spoke and spoke till we dropped!He was an amazing person,full of energy and enthusiasm.
I heard this news,was shell shocked. I heard that he had a heart attack and he was calling Nrsimha Nrsimha and left his body.....which clearly indicates,he remembered Krishna at the end and went back to Goloka Dham. This is what every devotee desires...antim samayam Narayana smaranam-which is remembering Lord Narayana or Krishna at the end,last minute of our life.
I was feeling sad, but my god sisters were speaking of his glorious death,when he shouted Nrsimha Dev.How fortunate he was to remember Krishna.This incident will surely make me more strong in devotional service.
I realized,i am still on the body.....everyone wants to leave this place,a place of hell.And am lamenting though he left his body so gloriously.Then i realized, how important now it is to focus on each ones sadhana.Death can come any moment.When am writing this blog,i may leave my body. I just hope and pray that i remember the Lotus Feet of the Lord at the end, thats my only prayer.
kåñëa tvadéya-pada-paìkaja-païjaräntam
adyaiva me viçatu mänasa-räja-haàsaù
präëa-prayäëa-samaye kapha-väta-pittaiù
kaëöhävarodhana-vidhau smaraëaà kutas te
O Lord Kåñëa, at this moment let the royal swan of my mind enter the tangled stems of the lotus of Your feet. How will it be possible for me to remember You at the time of death, when my throat will be choked up with mucus, bile, and air?
Of all the verses of the Mukunda-mälä-stotra, this one was the most beloved of Çréla Prabhupäda. He frequently quoted it and sang it as a bhajana. On one of the first record albums His Divine Grace produced, he sang this çloka as a complete song. Devotees who served Çréla Prabhupäda often heard him sing it as he went about his daily activities, or sometimes alone in his room. He also quoted it many times in his purports. Here he explains it in the purport to the second verse of the Eighth Chapter of his Bhagavad-gétä As It Is, in reference to the word prayäëa-käla, which carries the same meaning as präëa-prayäëa-samaye in Kulaçekhara's verse:
Now, the word prayäëa-käle in this [Bhagavad-gétä] verse is very significant because whatever we do in life will be tested at the time of death. Arjuna is very anxious to know of those who are constantly engaged in Kåñëa consciousness. What should be their position at that final moment? At the time of death all the bodily functions are disrupted, and the mind is not in a proper condition. Thus disturbed by the bodily situation, one may not be able to remember the Supreme Lord. Mahäräja Kulaçekhara, a great devotee, prays, "My dear Lord, just now I am quite healthy, and it is better that I die immediately so that the swan of my mind can seek entrance at the stem of Your lotus feet." The metaphor is used because the swan, a bird of the water, takes pleasure in digging into the lotus flowers; its sporting proclivity is to enter the lotus flower. Mahäräja Kulaçekhara says to the Lord, "Now my mind is undisturbed, and I am quite healthy. If I die immediately, thinking of Your lotus feet, then I am sure that my performance of Your devotional service will become perfect. But if I have to wait for my natural death, then I do not know what will happen, because at that time the bodily functions will be disrupted, my throat will be choked up, and I do not know whether I shall be able to chant Your name. Better let me die immediately."
I pray for nothing, except to remember the Lotus Feet of Krishna at the end. I pray that all the Vaishnavas bless me, so that i continue my devotional service well and remember Krishna at the end. That is all what i desire.

H.G Sundar Hari prabhu ki Jaya!
Nrsimha Dev ki Jaya!
Gaura Premanande Hari Hari bol

Monday, May 12, 2008

Jack Fruit Mania with Jagannath ji :)

Another unusual day, a day when i desired to have jack fruit[:D] The desire was so intense that,i wouldn't mind going even to Kerala or Orissa for it [:P] That moment,nothing popped into my mind except jackfruits..........and Jagannath!Yeah hes the one,who even steals jackfruits and loves jack fruits so much!So i prayed to Him,just desiring to have jackfruit[Please don t call it a mundane material desire!] :)
It was a hot evening in Srirangam,i was walking and had a long way to walk,so wanted to catch an auto rickshaw,but couldn't find any!As i walked round the corner,i saw JACKFRUITS!!!!WOW!![:D] I told Jaggu,you can do literally anything and everything!Immediately i ran and bought lots of pieces of Jack fruit,and first thing was to offer it to Jaggu,the Jack Fruit lover!I thanked Him so much for fulfilling this desire of mine!I was in total happiness and bliss!Thus by having a strong,genuine and intense desire,the Lord can fulfill it.
Jagannath hopefully i will ask you for Rasagollas next time!Hope your listening to me! :D and also ready to fulfill it!

Jack Fruit Desiring ki Jaya!
Jagannath ji ki Jaya!
Hari Hari Bol!

A trip to Srirangam-chant your rounds!

It was a fine and a hot day in Chennai.I was leaving for Srirangam Dham,added to the excitement was the book called "Salted Bread"a true and painful story which will encourage everyone of us to take devotional service more seriously!I was excited to read it.I gave the book a shot,a mind blowing book and i couldn't keep it down for 6 hours,the whole journey,little did i realize,i was on the train and in the next 20 minutes i would be in Srirangam.I had a terrible feeling as i had chanted only 2 rounds that day.But i continued reading.Immediately the lady next to me said "its Srirangam,get down".I jumped out of the train with all baggages in my hand.Little did i realize,it was not Srirangam,a place 40 kms away from Srirangam!It was pitch dark.There were only 2 people who got down at the station.I got a call,little did i realize it was not Srirangam!
I took my luggage,tried to remain calm,at that time,i could remember the Lord.I thought the Lord was punishing me for not chanting my rounds.I chanted the Nrsimha Prayers and started chanting.The Lord was helping and guiding me.There was one last bus to Srirangam Dham.By Krishna's mercy,i boarded it.And reached Srirangam in one hour and a half.In that journey,filled with fear,at night,i chanted 18 rounds of the Maha Mantra,and then i reached Srirangam.I thanked the Lord profusely.Without chanting,i would have nearly died of fear.
In the whole journey,i was chanting,begging for the Lords mercy.I realized only one thing that only the Lords Holy names can save us from this Samsara.I remembered a lecture of H.G.Govind prabhu,where he was sharing his experience in a place where there were only scorpions and snakes and how he chanted with fear,and hence could chant wonderfully.He used to concentrate on the Lotus Feet of Krishna and his rounds were wonderful.When i get reminded of this- i sometimes think,Krishna is being too merciful,hence,we tend to take chanting lightly.But when we are placed in a difficult situation we tend to remember Him without fail,because he is our only refuge as well as His Holy names.We have to believe that every moment in this Samsara,is we are placed in prison and only chanting can help and deliver us and is our only refuge.
This incident has helped me a lot in taking refuge only in the Holy names,whereas everything material is just temporary.I pray to the Lord,that he always makes me realize,that only the Holy Names are the only refuge,and can help a person get delivered from this Samsara of repeated birth and death and i take to chanting of His Holy names always,seriously.

Nrsimha Dev ki Jaya!
Hare Krishna Mahamantra ki Jaya!
Japa ki Jaya!
Gaura Premanande!

Monday, March 3, 2008

What is the definition of causeless mercy?

Today at this moment am in full transcendental bliss.Its Ekadasi today,i feel like jumping high in the air.Today i got a definition of causeless mercy.And i want to share it with all of you :)
Let me start,today my Guru Maharaj is leaving for Sri Dham Mayapur to give a large conference on Varnasrama Dharma.So this morning i wanted to give him a send off at the airport.So i had gone to my God sisters place for the Srimad Bhagavatam class.After that,i had a time of 15 minutes to pick up my another God sister to go to the airport.I don t really know what happened,when i went to my god sisters place,her keys weren't to be seen.We were searching and searching but still we couldn't find it.At the end,we found it after a long long time.And we were rushing on the bike,praying that Guru Maharaj should have not left our god sisters place.On the way we just stopped for a minute to have darshan of HH.Bhakti Vikas Swami Maharaj. Then again we sped on our vehicle to realize that Guru Maharaj had already left :( and we had very little time to reach the airport.Again at the rate of 60kms per hour we i drove but not like the first day,it was too late.
We reached the airport,and immediately rushed,not knowing any details of the flight nor anything.We were not able to see any devotees too.Something struck me.We got a ticket and rushed inside,just had an intense desire to see Guru Maharaj and give him a send off.Just then i just walked near and saw my Guru Maharaj!!!!Omg it was so amazing.Then my God brother told Guru Maharaj that we had come to see him and he waved His hand and said Hare Krishna!We were so happy!!And we were waiting to see him off.And we were smiling and chanting and filled with so much of joy.
Just then another god brother of mine got a wheel chair for my Guru Maharaj.We still had the desire to have a close darshan of Guru Maharaj :) Then i don t really know what happened.I think Krishna made the airport worker to bring Guru Maharaj near us.I was thrilled.As soon as Guru Maharaj came before us.I and my god sister paid obeisances.He asked"What happened?How come you are here?" I replied,Guru Maharaj it was late so i had to just rush in.He smiled and said yes,time he said.I was overjoyed.He asked us to take care and again we paid our obeisances and he said Hare Krishna with a huge smiling face,which always mesmerizes me,its so amazing.
I really dint know what was this called.I defined it as causeless causeless mercy.I just had an intense desire and the Lord fulfilled it!!!I was thinking that Guru and Gauranga are so merciful to us.Just an intense desire can be fulfilled.It was just amazing.I cant describe it in words,honestly.I felt like leaping in the airport and dint really know what to do.Krishna is so kind.So this is a definition of real causeless mercy.I don t really know how i can thank the airport helper.Is this Krishna's Lila to fulfill our desire?Why was the keys not to be found?!!!Certain things our mundane senses cannot perceive.And its so true.Am now still filled with transcendental ecstacy.Thank You Guru Maharaj for allowing this most fallen soul,to serve you for these days.You have been too kind.I think its my utmost fortune to do such menial services and still You are so pleased.Thank You so much for seeing this most fallen soul,and asking about my welfare :) I have no words to express.Do you guys know what is this called?

Airport Lila ki Jaya!
Airport helper ki Jaya!
Guru Maharaj ki Jaya!
Nitai Gaura Hari Hari Bol!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Gang of youngsters take to bliss!!

I felt the need to express my thoughts sooner on how the world is turning to or rather the younger generation.Everything is looking for something.What is that something that everyones looking for?Why is everyone struggling for that something which is so easily available?Why is nobody taking the advantage of it?Why isnt anyone taking it but looking for cheaper means?As i go through this journey of finding out what the youth really want?What are they really looking for?
It was Nityananda Trayodasi again :) and as i came on my vehicle i saw a group of youngsters.As we see youngsters together,the thoughts flashes back to our days when we used to so called enjoy with friends.A cup or coffee,or a visit to the theatre with friends.I only remembered this.How each one is searching for temporary happiness.But as i entered the temple,a few minutes later,the whole group of youngsters entered the temple.As they just entered the temple,their faces lit up!
I was amazed to see all of them,praying very fervently to Srila Prabhupada.All of them were deeply absorbed in praying to Srila Prabhupada.That time i realized,Srila Prabhupada wanted this.He dint want anyone to go for cheap stuff,but take the highest gift of Krishna Consciousness.He dint want anyone to rot in this material world but hanker for Krishna Prema.He dint want the youth to go to discos and other mundane stuff.He just gave an easy formula "CHANT HARE KRISHNA AND BE HAPPY" and everything will be alright.Is this so difficult to do?Srila Prabhupada turned Hippies to Happies.Is this task so difficult for Srila Prabhupada of turning the hearts of youngsters?I realized how true it is.This youngsters really inspired me.At times appearances can be deceptive,but i was wrong!!I concluded that these were the same youngsters who party and stuff,but they came to temple.Immediately,they paid obeisances to all the deities.When they went to the Lord Jagannath altar,they were amazed looking at him.Tell me who doesn't smile looking at Lord Jagannath's smile! Immediately all of them started chanting,each one closing their eyes and absorbed in the chanting.This is what Srila Prabhupada wanted.He wanted each one to chant the Holy Names of the Lord with humility and be happy always.
Now this made me think, if all the youth were like this.These youngsters got the bliss.They came to temple to taste the most blissful thing in the whole Universe.Is this what each youth is looking for?Why there is so much of depression and stress and why suicide levels are going high?Doesn't it remind how important Krishna Consciousness is.Is this what everyones looking for?They are after temporary happiness and afterwards are hurt and left depressed?I think its high time,each one of us took to this most blissful Krishna Consciouness.The highest and real happiness and the most blissful.It is the highest benefit ever a person can get.Even the demi-gods hanker for this.
I once remember a college girl who was so depressed and everything she did was upsetting.So she was thinking what life is this.Everything is so upsetting and so topsy turvy.She went to the temple,for the lecture and what she learnt was the symptoms of Kali Yuga!She heard the words "Manushya janam paya,Radha Krishna na bhajiya,janiya suniya bisha khainu--meaning O Lord Hari, I have spent my life uselessly. Having obtained a human birth and having not worshiped Rädhä and Krishna, I have knowingly drunk poison.She was amazed.After the lecture there was the most blissful kirtan.She had never heard about this nor seen something as amazing as this.She became a devotee the very next day.Today shes an amazing devotee,fully fledged in devotional service and preaching always with amazing book distribution always.So just by one entry into the temple,changed a depressed mind,imagine the world,and how necessary it is for each one to take up Krishna Consciousness?How we are searching for cheap stuff,and bogus Gurus,while this process is so sublime and so wonderful.
Everyone is just wanting this enthusiasm,this everything of Krishna Consciousness which will make them dive into an ocean of unlimited bliss.So taking the inspiration of the youngsters and i wish i could just pray to Srila Prabhupada like them and just pray that each one of us,take to Krishna Consciousness and be happy,blissfully chanting the Lords name.We will then realize,where has the depression and sadness gone?!!!!

A Drunkard Visits Radha Madana Mohana!

As i entered Sri Sri Radha Madana Mohana ji, the blissful Lordships were so attractive.They looked so amazing in their lemon yellow and green outfits.It was Nityananda Trayodasi and the whole temple was in a festive mood.Indeed it was a festival.As i sat down to chant my rounds,there entered a drunkard.He was on a high [:P] and he dint have consciousness of what he was doing.And i started looking at him,got distracted from my chanting,but it gave me an amazing realization.
So i started looking at him.And he first went near Srila Prabhupada and just folded his hands.Then he came close to the altar of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai.He saw the raised hands of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai and he immediately he raised His hands and smiled looking at Their Lordships.I wondered does he ever know whether it is Nityananda Trayodasi.What immense fortune he had that he came to the temple on this most auspicious day.I remembered the pastimes of Lord Nityananda when i saw the drunkard.The pastime where Lord Nityananda was drunken and intoxicated with Krishna Prema so much that he did not care for anything.He was in so much ecstacy.But this drunkard,was just on a high.He was just walking around the Lordships and looking at them with raised hands.
Just then a curious little boy came and started looking at the deity of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai and paid his obeisances.He is about 5 years old.Next while going to see Sri Sri Radha Madana Mohana he looked at the drunkard,gazing at him for a few seconds.Then he signaled to the drunkard and showed him how to pay obeisances.The drunkard just stared at the boy.The boy dint lose hope,he walked along with the drunkard and showed him again.I was amazed at the boys seriousness.He dint know he was a drunkard but still wanted to show him,how to pay obeisances.That is mercy the little boy was giving the drunkard.I immediately remembered the pastime of Jagai and Madhai and how Lord Nityananda showers mercy upon them.And later the drunkard paid obeisances and the boy is smiling.Immediately i realized how pleased Lord Nityananda must be!!
So i realized,how the drunkard got unlimited mercy of Lord Nityananda and also special mercy of paying dandavats. I read that by paying one obeisance to Lord Hari,it is equal to performing one Ashwamedha sacrifice. So the drunkard got all the mercy of everything and His face was beaming with a smile and His hands still raised high in the air.This just reminded me of the unlimited mercy of Lord Nityananda and also the drunken state of Lord Nityananda in Krishna Prema.That day i begged for special mercy to Lord Nityananda that the drunkard may be intoxicated in Krishna Prema always and always raise his hands high in the air,jumping and dancing and smiling for Lord Hari.
And also my chanting became even more very blissful thinking of Lord Nityananda's pastimes and how merciful and kind he is.Akrodha Paramananda Nityananda Raya.Nitai never gets angry and hes always smiling and blissful.I just guess thats why due to Nityananda's mercy the beggar also smiled looking at the smiling beautiful face of Lord Nityananda.Who can understand His Lila?!!!
I just pray unto the Lotus Feet of Lord Nityananda that through His causeless mercy,may he intoxicate all of us with Harinaam and make us blissful by His mercy.Hey Nitai everything is possible by You.Dont smile now Nitai,i can see it,but so foolish i am not able to understand Your Lila!!

Nityananda Rama ki Jaya!
Radha Madan Mohana ji ki Jaya!
Smiling Lila ki Jaya!
Nitai Gaura Premanande!!