Monday, May 12, 2008

Jack Fruit Mania with Jagannath ji :)

Another unusual day, a day when i desired to have jack fruit[:D] The desire was so intense that,i wouldn't mind going even to Kerala or Orissa for it [:P] That moment,nothing popped into my mind except jackfruits..........and Jagannath!Yeah hes the one,who even steals jackfruits and loves jack fruits so much!So i prayed to Him,just desiring to have jackfruit[Please don t call it a mundane material desire!] :)
It was a hot evening in Srirangam,i was walking and had a long way to walk,so wanted to catch an auto rickshaw,but couldn't find any!As i walked round the corner,i saw JACKFRUITS!!!!WOW!![:D] I told Jaggu,you can do literally anything and everything!Immediately i ran and bought lots of pieces of Jack fruit,and first thing was to offer it to Jaggu,the Jack Fruit lover!I thanked Him so much for fulfilling this desire of mine!I was in total happiness and bliss!Thus by having a strong,genuine and intense desire,the Lord can fulfill it.
Jagannath hopefully i will ask you for Rasagollas next time!Hope your listening to me! :D and also ready to fulfill it!

Jack Fruit Desiring ki Jaya!
Jagannath ji ki Jaya!
Hari Hari Bol!

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