Friday, July 27, 2007

Think once!!!

What do you think of this picture....what comes to your mind as soon as you see this...well this material world is like on...for solutions.....

I often thought....why are we this world...people say...we are here for a purpose...and some say...we have got a life..enjoy hard party harder....this is a constant phrase i come across always.Imagine you are left alone...all you sure everyone will...why have we come here....yes...we will remember our past....what we we hurt others... and of course got hurt by so many persons.....spoke ill of so many people...made someone happy...these all comes to our mind...some may remember how they spent time with their friends...and the other silly things that we surely brings a smile to ones face...but did anyone realize this is all temporary happiness?Just thinking of all this will surely bring a smile to your face...but did you ever think that this smile lasted forever?Imagine you came out of the room in which you were closed for so long the next minute...your mother shouts...finish your lunch or dinner...and you felt like going to your friends house...and you get frustrated..and then again your sister or brother just asks you some question and you are again angry...and you cannot bear it anymore and you start just feel like being left alone...then you go to your friends place for a change...and there she is frustrated with something and shows the anger on you...and you are depressed again...what to do...everyone has faced a similar situation someday...but here i have a can this change your all depends on you....
Whom can you turn on..guess..keep guessing...a true friend who will never ditch you or hurt you...such a friend wow impossible to get...but i will keep describing....he loves you so much...more than your mom it...then he cares so much for then he gives you everything..provides you everything...thinks good for you all the time...does everything which is good for you...imagine did any friend do this for so much for you like this?Had past experiences of friends ditching you...or not cared for you...then wait....this is surely for you still want to know about that wonderful friend....who does so much for you....well i will reveal it to you....but promise that you will do a small favor.....yes yes....always love that friend and rely on him for him so much so much....and guess if you love him a bit...he will love you a thousand times more than that...imagine you do something for him...he will give it back a thousand times...woah woah really.....everyone inquisitive to find about that wonderful friend....a friend whom you can share all your joys and sorrows and guess...shall i tell can just tell him all your secrets...and guess he will keep it within himself...without letting anyone know...shhh.....don't tell this to anyone...its a top most secret...which i will be revealing it to you.Make sure you keep this in mind and promise whatever i have told him with all your heart and soul...and he will be so so so happy....are you ready....
Should i reveal...another secret....about our friend...he came to save us....surprised?Yes he came to this world teach us how to love...surprised???????Love whom....will let you know....and you will be the happiest person of the whole Universe loving that wonderful friend....and guess what you will regret surely that why you dint search for this happiness before....well its now or be ready friends....and promise me will also try to share this secret with everyone...this is the greatest friend oops our friend told me...if i share this secret with will be the greatest gift ever....:) wow....ever imagined...i always thought that gifting a friend something big....and nice...was something great....and made someone but guess our friend told me...if you gift this...this is the greatest gift to mankind...still wondering....a bit of patience...:) Seeya soon

Next post:Revealing about our friend :)Be ready friends!!!!:P

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