Thursday, January 3, 2008

A blissful visit to a Dham with a realization :)

Here are a few excerpts from my diary which i wrote on my way to Vrindavan Dham :)

November 4th 2007 :

Today am on the way to Sri Vrindavan Dham,due to the causeless mercy of Smt.Radharani.On the way there were lush green fields,it looked like a beautiful scenery.Farmers were very happily working on the farm.They led a very simple life.The cows,the paddy fields was their life to them.I wondered how beautiful nature is.Krishna has created so many beautiful things,the soft green grass,the paddy fields of lush green color and other crops,the beautiful mother cow,the bull who works so hard whole day but is still contended.The fruit bearing trees,the colorful butterflies,the bumble bees flocking which reminded me of Smt.Radharani.The cool refreshing water,where the little boys played and splashed water over each other.How wonderful nature is.I really wondered why i ran behind mundane material stuff.The women who cooked and brought food for their husbands in the afternoon and the little girls who played simple games :) and the trees which gives so much shade,the crops which give us our food and the beautiful wild flowers which blossomed,the small houses made of simple basic material where people lived simple lives and were so contended.Isn't all this so enchanting and how peaceful and serene the atmosphere is and how beautiful everything is?When was the last time you visited a village?

Now a contradiction to this.Imagine the life of the city,the hellish condition where we keep suffering every single day.The pollution,the people who keep reminding us of global warming and we hardly pay any heed to it yeah!The motor vehicles,everything is fast,yeah we need a fast life so go back to hell fast!!Its true!No love for each other,no care or concern for humans nor animals,constantly we hear on the news about murders and wars and other stuff happening every single day.Is this called decline of God Consciousness?Yes it is!Fast foods,food prepared in the modes of ignorance which increase anger.The idiot box,the mundane music!They call it rock but end up in shocks.Everyones just searching for temporary happiness and just going on performing sins,millions of them for their own mundane sense gratification.THe killing of MOTHER COW which is such an abominable act,the mother who gives us milk everything and we in turn kill her.What a hellish life to live.Think of it guys.

Now we are back again to the very peaceful atmosphere where a temple of Their Lordships are installed.Farms are present and everything is done for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord.The flowers grown are strung in beautiful garlands for the Lords to be happy.The fruits are offered to the Lord.The grains are used to make preparations and offer it to him.Mother Cow is worshiped and given protection[Srila Prabhupada says if this is done half of the problems in the world will be solved] and she in turn showers her special mercy.Imagine working in the fields doing everything for the pleasure of the Lord.A blissful atmosphere where constant Harinaam[chanting of the Holy Names] is taking place.Imagine that peaceful and serene atmosphere where everything is done for Krishna,with love and care and offer our complete lives in his service.Who wouldn't want to live in such a peaceful atmosphere where everything is in the mode of goodness :)
Srila Prabhupada always mentioned that the city life is just a hellish life and we shouldn't live in the cities except for the sake of preaching.This atmosphere or the atmosphere of Varnasrama is what Srila Prabhupada's mission was and has been left to each one of us to fulfill,and which my dear most Guru Maharaj is striving to establish.In such an atmosphere,Krishna Consciousness is just so easy,full of goodness and be very happy with cows,fields,everything for the pleasure of the Supreme Lord.
This area of Varnasrama Dharma requires loads of hard work and support and if it is done,the dream accomplished will be to have Vrndavan Dham in every village.Come everyone lets join hands together joining this mission,living happily and make the dream of my Guru Maharaj ''MAKE VRNDAVAN VILLAGES' come true pleasing Guru Maharaj,Srila Prabhupada and Gopala :)


1 comment:

Santosh Chapaneri said...

very inspiring article written by you on sri vrindavan dhaam.....especially the way u have depicted the clear contrast between modern city life and the blissful atmosphere of vrindavan. jaya!