Thursday, January 3, 2008

Fickle mind!!

Sri Sri Gaura Nitai ki Jaya!

A poem about a fickle minded person and how he can attain perfection of life!!!!

O fickle mind,just see the beautiful Lotus Feet of Gaura Nitai,
For thet are the most merciful incarnation ever!!

O Fickle mind,just see the Lotus Feet of Gaura Nitai!
These Lotus Feet are sweeter than the sweetest honey!

O fickle mind,just look at the Lotus shaped eyes!
These capture even millions and millions of Cupids!

O Fickle mind,just call the name of Gaura Nitai once,
And you will be automatically delivered from this material world!

O Fickle mind just chant the name of Gaura Nitai,
Krishna Prema will automatically follow You!

O Fickle mind just think of Gaura Nitai,
All Your problems will come to an end!

O Fickle mind,just meditate on Gaura Nitai,
You will achieve Sri Radha Krishna in Vrindan Dham!

O Fickle mind,please chant the glories of Sri Gaura Nitai,
You will attain perfection of Life!!
What else do you need???

Nitai and Gauranga are pleased with even little menial service done to them,
Please take the benefit today and be delivered from repeated cycle birth and death!!

Gauranga bolite habe pulaka Sarira

Lord Gauranga,you fell into ecstacy while uttering the name of Krishna!You laughed,you cried,You rolled on the ground.O Lord,i am so stone hearted when will that day come when my body will shiver and hair will stand on its end by uttering the name of Gauranga?

Submitting this menial offering at the Lotus Feet of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai!!

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