Monday, July 23, 2007

Sri Jagannath Puri Dham

Hare Krsna!
Jagannath Swami Nayana Patha gami bhavatume
Jai Jagannath,Jai Baladeva,Jai Subhadra Devi!!!
Am new to this blogger site... and is my first blog....wanted to just write about the recent trip to the Rath Yatra to Sri Jagannath Puri Dham!These wonderful experiences and miracles will surely be cherished for a blissful.One thing i can assure you....i learnt what is humility from a devotee who was so committed to Nitai Gauranga.I hope i will always follow...trinad api sunicena taror api sahisuna amanina mana dena kirtaneya sada harih......One should chant the holy names of the Lord in a humble state of mind....thinking himself MORE TOLERANT THAN A TREE,DEVOID OF ALL SENSE OF FALSE PRESTIGE,AND SHOULD BE READY TO OFFER ALL RESPECT TO OTHERS.IN SUCH A STATE OF MIND ONE CAN CHANT THE HOLY NAMES OF THE LORD CONSTANTLY.This is what a devotees mood should be...of course i assure...i am so proud still i just cannot get the taste for chanting the names of Gaura Hari.Also in this trip i have learnt that seeing and pulling the chariot and hugging the Lord...these intense desires if pure and genuine can surely be fulfilled by the LORD OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE.
Let me begin now....this journey is truly special because i never even thought of entering the Dham...but i had an intense desire of being there..used to go to the temple...pray to Jagannath....hey Jagannath call me to Puri Dham..and finally this wish is fulfilled.....i only wish and pray for his mercy that i may be called there again and again..which is only possible with his permission.Hopefully Jagannath is listening to this :) .We planned started with Tirupati...we wanted to go there and then a friend suggested...why not Puri?
Everyone was like sure....but we still werent sure...we made quick arrangements and finally left....on the 14th of July....there were so many devotees on the train.We had so much fun...being with devotees is like being in Goloka....we all had fun shared prasadam....we had wonderful Gaura Aarti and then chanting etc....everything was so blissful.We distributed prasadam...and guess....did a small session of food for life program.It was sheer bliss.Many devotees....shared their experiences and knowledge about the Dham....finally we slept.We got up early in the morning...couldnt do mangal aarti...less everyone on the train would kick us out of the coach.So we started chanting.It was time....we felt hungry but had nothing with us...all i could do is pray to Jagannath...and guess....devotees called us for a breakfast feast...ah truly blissful...we had so much matter what devotees surely made me cry....just for fun but i loved every minute of it.Then we were very grateful for the prasadam.Then we went back to our respective coaches and started planning what to do next....after getting down at Puri Dham...what to see etc.So then we passed by Chilka lake,one of the largest lake in was too just looked like a huge river....and it was good too.Finally we entered Khurda road and then travelled to Puri.
Got down at the Puri station,paid our most heart felt obeisances to the Dham.Then we parted...each one became a group...then we went to Gopinath Gaudiya Math....we met Maharaj there...the devotees there were so was so nice...then we freshed up and we went to take prasadam.Then we went to the Puri temple...the Jagannath temple..where the Lords will be seen today...after their illness :( had to go twice to see the Lord...there they stood....ah this sight just blissful...truly out of this material world.They were just there...their eyes...look so beautiful....and words....ah so blissful.Then we offered something to the Lord...we saw the flag getting tied to the top of the wonderful...all were was too good.Then we came out of the temple and then we were just going around...we were offered nice was so tasty...then we met a grahastha couple...very wonderful devotees....we went with them...first we went to Svetha Ganga...where there was a miracle...somehow i wanted to have a dip in that...but it was night then i went to sprinkle water...and to dip my chanting bag into it.And lo....i just fell into the water....i thought i would disappear....and i was like remembering Lord Jagannath....all were shouting Haribol...Haribol!!....and then by the Lords grace i came out....i was so happy...all were asking am i alright...then we prayed to Saci Mata and Sri Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya's house.There we met Iskcon Chowpatty devotees.Heard the glories of Sri Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya from the mouth of a saffron devotee and had blissful Harinaam there was so wonderful.Prayed there and then we proceeded further.Then we parted with the grahastha and then we went around the Raths saw how they were arranged etc...and then took nice pictures of them and did some shopping for bags etc.Then it was late night when we reached the place.We slept..peacefully waiting for the Rath Yatra next day.
The next day got up....recited the Samsara prayers...then started early for the temple to have darshan of their was so crowded....stood there in the queue for 3 hours....finally the Pahaundi utsav as it is called....was so beautiful.The Lordships were brought in a blissful manner...dancing to and forth...ah too good...first the Sanka Cakra came then came Lord Baladeva,Subhadra Maharani and then finally Lord of the whole universe Jagannath.We were given a chance to touch the cushions and pillows of the Lord...they were placed on our was truly bliss when it was done...then the Lordships wonderfully proceeded towards their respective chariots.We then went forward....we were like was so so hot....the Lords devotees are so merciful they always help others.Water was sprinkled upon us with sprays...water was given to drink frequently....then we joined the Iskcon group and the Harinaam was so blissful....we sang and danced...such young saffron devotees...they have dedicated their lives...ah so much of austerities they have to perform at such a young age...their zeal and enthusiasm for devotional truly touched me.Till about 4 it happened and the King came and swept the carts....LOrd Jagannath is truly merciful...everyone is same in the eyes of God... and then guess...the Rath Yatra started....with hundreds of gongs in unison...all shouting Jai Jagannath Jai Baladeva and Jai was just blissful.Everyone was just trying to get a chance to pull the many devotees....the crowd...we were not used to such things.But still there was so much of confusion and things...still by the Lords mercy...we joined the Sankirtan party again and danced and sang....all for the pleasure of the Lord....hey Jagannatha you are really really merciful....then the Jagannaths chariot stopped in the evening near Srila Bhakti Siddhanti Saraswati Thakurs house....and then all were like Haribol Haribol!!!Then it was late....we met so many wonderful devotees...ah truly Vaikuntam.
The next day...a devotee advised us to go and climb the Rath and hug Jagannath....i and mataji were so excited....we went got onto the chariot and hugged Jagannath....i still cannot believe....ah truly was too good...then prayed....for the website and who all had asked for prayers....Jagannath ji is really wonderful and very very merciful so he will surely listen to our prayers....and we got a chance by the mercy of a kind mataji to pull the Rath of Jagannath ji....we were completely satisfied...then we went half way to the Gundica temple....then we returned.Then in the afternoon we left...first we went to Lokhnath temple,Tota Gopinath, was truly bliss...then we went to Narendra Sarovar....then to many other temples around.Then in the evening we went to Indradyumna tank...then to the Narshinga Dev temple...another miracle there...we were just standing inches away when the aarti was going was so so so so blissful....just out of words.Actually we should be fortunate to be beside Narshinga his mercy was there that day.Plus sang the Narshinga Aarti...ah unforgettable.....truly.Then again i and my friend we wanted to see Ksira Chora Gopinath....where the Lord himself stole Kheer for his devotee.We left for that place by train....we dint get a reservation....again Lord Jagannath was so merciful he got us a place to sleep...Love you Jaggu....i immediately offered my thanks to the Lord....and not to forget Nitai Gaurangas was due to that.Then we reached Balasore in the early morning..we refreshed in the station..proceeded to Remuna....where Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu performed many pastimes.It was total bliss.Then we saw the temple and the Kheer there...ah ah truly wonderful Krsna prasadam is words to express.Then we went to Sri Madhavendra Puri's Samadhi and paid our heartfelt obeisances there.Then saw the temples around.It was wonderful.And then while returning saw the Saksi Gopal deity....out of all this was the most attractive....the form where Krsna just stood marvellous....and Radharani looked so beautiful.Then we proceeded to Puri...again went to Gundica temple...saw the deities being taken away into the temple.Then had some prasadam and then paid obeisances to Puri Dham...asked Jagannath to call us again and again.
The next the Jagannath Ashtakam prayers while facing the Puri temple and then left for Konark Sun temple....then some places of King Ashoka in Bhubneshwar...Lingaraj temple was too good...then saw the Nandan Kanan zoo.Then got into the train back to Hyderabad.
This was the most blissful journey after Sri Vrindavan Dham.....i truly miss this place.This journey surely taught me so many devotees should behave...i thank the devotee who gave the idea of visiting the Dham and all glories goes to him......all i can pray is Jagannath call me to this Dham again and again....and i want the Vaishnavas to bless me so that i never leave the Lotus Feet of the Lord. Forgive me for my offenses committed at Your Lotus Feet if obeisances unto Your Lotus Feet.
Jagannath Swami Nayana Patha gami bhavatume
Jai Jagannath,Jai Baladeva,Jai Subhadra Devi.
Nitai Gaura Premanande....Hari Hari Bol!!!


rango said...

Hare krishna preethi, Thank you for sharing your experience dear. it was very nice to read through.. All glories to Sri Jagannath!!!! Hope he calls me too.. love ya.. haribol

Bhushan said...

Hare Krishna
please accept myhumble dandavats at your lotus feet
wonderful description, thank you sooo much. You relly recieved mercy of Lord Jagannatha and Vaishnavas.
Jaya Jagannatha Baladeva Subhadra devi.
Jaya Nilachala Dham
Nitai Gauraa hariibol

divya said...

hi preethi...thanks for sharin ur experience..i have been to puri few weeks was awesome.. the feelin comes in mind is truely devine n pure...really i m so touched .thanx for reminding me everything again .ur description is superb.jai jagannatha hope he ll call me again..

Srutisagara Das said...
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