Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Sri Vrindavan Dhama

Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar ki Jaya!
Jaya Radhe Shyama!
Jaya Vrindavan Dham!

This time I wanted to write my experience at the holy dham Vrindavan.

The journey began on 20th of November during the special Kartik month or Damodar month. We got into the train at Secunderabad .All devotees assembled on the train; we were in a very happy mood. The train was very crowded but we did not mind the mere thinking of Vrindavan Dham made us happy. We finished our chanting rounds very quickly on the train and we did many extra rounds too. Then it was breakfast time and we had a wonderful feast for breakfast…..paranthas and subjis from bread to snacks really yummy..Krsna prasadam is really really marvellous and wonderful. Then after breakfast we took a Vrindavan leela book and we began reading the past times of Radharani and Krishna. Time just passed by then we began book distribution on the train which was so much fun. We told everyone the importance of these books and we had a nice time distributing. Though not many books were sold we were happy and satisfied . Then others chanted for some time, few read books and few took some rest. We a group of our age went around and played i.e. there were quizzes to test our knowledge on the Supreme Lord and his pastimes and we tried our hand at different things. We were mostly reading books on the train to enhance our knowledge. The prabhujis had bought many books for book distribution and we took the chance of reading many books. Then in the evening we had snacks and juices and later at 7.00 it was our favorite time yes its Kirtan time my favorite and everyone’s favorite time. We had Gaura Aarti in the train all the devotees assembled for Kirtan and we had a blast awesome Kirtan we had the pictures of deities in the temple and we bought Karatalas and a few instruments too and we sang Damodar Ashtakam too and showed torch lights instead of lamps but we cannot help. Then we had Mahaprashadam and then came dinner time again. Had prashadam again though a light meal it was filling. Then it was late we all watched a few videos of installation of Panca Tattava deities in Mayapur on the laptop of a prabhuji and later slept in the night.

The next day was exciting we hardly slept we got up at 3 in the morning in the train and washed our faces and started chanting and all were sleeping on the train so we did our chanting rounds and finished by 5.00 in the morning and then we were waiting for Matura to come. The train was one hour late and we reached Matura at about 7.00 in the morning and it was Diwali and we wished everyone. We all got down and paid our obeisance’s to the dham and there was a cow a very good sign and paid our respects to mother cow too. Then we proceeded for Vrindavan in an auto and then we reached Vrindavan .We paid our obeisance’s there too. We were waiting to go to the room. Then we went for Yamuna snanam the holy river and for purifying ourselves we went had a great time in the waters, splashed water on everyone and enjoyed. Then our first job was to go to Krishna Balram Mandir or you can call to see Radha Shyamasundar first we went to Prabhupada'

s Samadhi and paid obeisance’s and the deities were so awesome so beautiful cannot express it in words. Then we went around the temple. We went to Prabhpadas room i.e. where his books and the things which he used during his last days. Then we were sitting in the temple listening to the nectarine Kirtans. Then we were hungry then we waited for prashadam and then we were served awesome prashadam and we were full. Then we went back to our rooms and left for local temples tour we can call. Firstly we went to seva kunj or Nikunj, the holy place where Krishna and the other Gopis did Rasa Lila. The trees or the bushes in the night get converted into gopis which is seen till now. No one goes to seva kunj it is said that one who remains there at midnight that sees the Rasa Lila get mad or lose their consciousness or some people have also died it’s a belief there so no one remains there in the evening after 6.00 clock. Then we also went to Radha Madanmohan temple and Radha Govind temple and returned to Krishna Balram mandir in the evening for Gaura Aarti and lit lamps during Damodar Ashtak. Devotees from all over the world had come there and it was a wonderful sight to see so many people in Iskcon. We then left after the temple closed and had some dinner outside the temple. We then went to our rooms spoke about the day and things and the next day was Govardan puja or Go puja and later slept late in the night.

The next morning we got up at about 2.30 as we had to go for Mangal aarti in the temple and we attended it and then we went for Vrindavan parikrama on that day. It was nice walking around whole Vrindavan. We walked and went to many temples in between where Krishna fought with Kalia and then the tamarind temple which was cursed then we went to Yamuna for a dip then we went to many other temples too and Jagannath temple too. Then we rested for a while in a temple and then we proceeded back to Iskcon where there was Go puja or puja for the cows we all went to the Goshala and saw the cows and calves which were so adorable. There was a lecture about the importance and mother cow and the products from the cow and its benefits and they sold many products of mother cow and the lectures were very awesome we then went to the Goshala and we fed the cows and the calves with some feed which we had bought. Then we had prashadam there. Then we went back to the temple and stayed there. We went to the room for a change and came back in the mean while I returned to the temple to meet my adorable devotee friend Ankita and we had a wonderful time. I met her parents and her brother and I introduced her to the devotees who had come with me and we all had prashadam which was awesome. Then I spoke with my friend and then she had to leave then I bade her good bye quite sad as she couldn’t stay for long but I told her that we would meet her again and this made us happy. Then I returned to the room and we again left for local temples. We went to Bankey Bihari temple and were surprised because the altars curtain was closed for every 2 to 3 minutes and it is said that a devotee looked at the Lords eyes and disappeared and Krishna went away with her. It is said that if the Lord sees a good devotee he go away with them and this belief is still prevailing so the altars curtain is closed now and then. Then we had the chance of relishing some chat near the temple. We had cutlets, Pani Puri and lassi which were truly awesome and then we also went to a saligram temple where a stone turned into a Vigrah of Krishna we went to Radha Raman temple also and we attended Kirtan there in the temple. It was late so we returned to the temple Iskcon and could attend only Damodar Ashtak part there but we were happy at least we could do that and went back to our rooms a bit tired but happy and ready for the next day.

The next day was a major day and all the devotees were ready for Govardan Parikrama the holy hill which Lord Krishna himself had lifted it with his little finger and after attending Mangal aarti in the temple we started for Parikrama. We went by auto to Govardan Hill and then started on foot which is an austerity one has to perform in Govardan. First came Kusum Sarovar we took water and sprinkled on ourselves then dipped our chanting malas into it. Kusum Sarovar has a wonderful pastime of Krishna and Radharani, it is said that there was a great garden around the Kund and there were Lotus flowers all around it but now it is not to be seen then we went to many temples during the Parikrama and next we went to Jagannath Mandir and we had Maha Prasad there and after that we continued walking. We went to Govind Kund and there was and there was an awesome lecture there, then to Apsara Kund then we stopped by many places because we were tired of the previous day’s parikrama then we were chanting continuously then we all were resting around and we saw many cows and then the place where Krishna lifted Govardan hill we paid our obeisance’s to every place during the parikrama. Then we passed through forests and then we went to the place where small stone houses are built and if one wishes something it is fulfilled and the stone house falls down then we walked and walked then we reached Uddhava Kund and we took rest at Uddhava Kund and then proceeded towards the end of the parikrama that is the most holy Radha Kund and Shyama Kund. The past times of these Kunds are too good and it is said that one who sprinkles one drop of Radhakund water on the head gets Krishna prem. We sprinkled water and took some water in bottles for the other devotees to benefit and we bought bangles and tilak of Radhakund. Then we went to the Samadhi of Bhaktha Swarup Damodar Das and took his blessings and then we all left for Vrindavan. It was 9 in the night and it was 11 when we reached our rooms and we all were very tired and we had some dinner and slept very well on this day because we were very tired.

The next day we couldn’t go for Mangal aarti because of the previous two days parikrama. Then we went for Darshan aarti and then we were in the temple itself for a long time and then we left to see Nanda Gaun where Krishna spent his early childhood there. It was so wonderful and then we went to Barsana where the most merciful person in this universe Radha Rani was born. We bought sindoor of Radharani and then went around the place and saw beautiful place from there we left for Delhi to go to Jaipur from there we went by car to Delhi but we couldn’t go to Delhi Iskcon we did not have the time then we went to the station and we had prashadam which other devotees bought for us and then we slept very well on the train.

The next morning we reached Jaipur at 3.00 am and then we went to the railway rest room and freshened ourselves then we left for the Radha Govind temple where we had to attend Mangal aarti. It is said that the deities there have no make up i.e., no Shingar in the morning or no decoration on the face. We saw so many devotees attending Mangal aarti there it was a wonderful sight. It would be wonderful if all the devotees in all the temples attend Mangal Aarti because it is said that seeing the Aarti would directly elevate one to Vaikuntam. We waited there till Darshan aarti and had lots of ladoos there. The temple is famous for its ladoos and then we bought ladoos for our friends and relatives and it is the original deities of Radha Govind are here in Jaipur the other being in Vrindavan where the Muslims attacked the temple so the deities were shifted there to Jaipur. It is said that if one makes 108 rounds with a wish in his mind all his wishes will be fulfilled. Then we went to Caitanya Mahaprabhus temple and then we went to Radha Damodar temple and we recited Damodar Ashtakam there in the temple. Then we went to Radha Gopinath temple and had wonderful darshan in all these places and then we proceeded for Matura as we had no time there. We got into the bus and had some prashadam we got in the temple and then we all slept in the bus as we were very tired because of the hectic trip and then we reached Matura and then we caught an auto for Vrindavan and our auto stopped and we waited for three hours to get another one. Then we reached our rooms dead tired. A prabhuji was kind enough to provide us food and we ate very well and then we remembered that it was Srila Prabhupads disappearance day the next day so we all slept at 12.00 and we had to compulsory attend Mangal Aarti the next day.

The next day is the most merciful person Srila Prabhupadas disappearance day. It was a grand festival for all Iskonites. All devotees from all over the world came especially for this day. The Mangal Aarti was awesome and the song was sung by Srila Prabhupad itself i.e., only on this day in the whole year Srila Prabhupads song is played the Mangal Aarti was wonderful and we decided to stay in the temple the whole day, the deities were awesome on that day. Then we finished chanting our rounds and waited for darshan Aarti and I met a wonderful devotee my friend Rajani and then we all waited for the Guru Puja to start. All Srila Prabhupads disciples came there and we had wonderful Kirtan and lectures. These lectures made all of us in tears and how wonderful it was. Then we left for Loi bazaar where we had to do our shopping. We bought chanting bags, incense sticks, Tulsi malas, and I and other Mataji bought deities and then we had to leave for the Abhishekam so we cut our shopping and then left and we planned to come in the evening after the Abhishekam then we were in the temple and there was awesome Kirtan going on really danced till we all dropped down. Then we had to go for Prashadam in some Ashram and we went and had wonderful prashadam and then we left to continue our shopping and again we had a chance to see Bankey Bihari temple and there we bought dresses for our deities and then we bought what all required and then we went back to the temple and then we were there for Gaura Aarti there and it was the last day of Damodar Ashtakam in Vrindavan and we felt like crying just couldn’t leave the place…but had to…was forced to. Then we went to Srila Prabhupadas room and his Samadhi and took his blessings and we waited till the temple closed and then went back and next day we had to leave for Hyderabad.

The next day we couldn’t go for Mangal Aarti because we had to pack for our journey and a few devotees went to Delhi for the Jagannath Rath Yatra but some devotees wanted to attend Darshan Aarti so we did and waited till the temple closed and then we had prashadam.We then bought some sweets and offered it to Radha Shyamasundar. Then we had heard that Narmada Maharaj had disappeared but we couldn’t go for the disappearance Puja as we had to leave for Agra to catch our train then we left. We then bought a few posters of the deities and then some gifts for friends, and reached the station and then caught the train and had Jagannath Rath Yatra Maha Prashadam and slept in the train the next day we got up only at 6.00 in the train and then we chanted our rounds but we slept the whole day in the train and then we distributed a few books on the train. Then we reached Secunderabad in the evening and we then told ourselves Hare Krishna and left to our respective homes.

I sincerely feel it is the mercy of Radharani and Shyamasundar and importantly Vrinda Devi to have called me to Vrindavan, the holiest place in the whole world you can call Universe truly Vaikuntam. I just ask great Vaishnavas to bless me so that Radharani may call me to Vrindavan and render services to Radharani and Shyamasundar eternally.

Jai Nitai Gaura Premanande...Hari Hari Bol!!!



Souvik Chatterji said...

Madanmohan, the king of ghazals gave a separate dimension to the sweet voice of Lata. Most of his compositions had ghazal andaz and Lata could use her classical base with her expression to provide life in the compositions.

Unknown said...
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