Sunday, September 23, 2007



çré-guru-caraëa-padma, kevala-bhakati-sadma,
bando mui sävadhäna mate
jähära prasäde bhäi, e bhava toriyä jäi,
kåñëa-präpti hoy jähä ha'te
1) The lotus feet of our spiritual master are the only way by which we can attain pure devotional service. I bow to his lotus feet with great awe and reverence. By his grace one can cross the ocean of material suffering and obtain the mercy of Kåñëa.
guru-mukha-padma-väkya, cittete koriyä aikya,
är nä koriho mane äçä
çré-guru-caraëe rati, ei se uttama-gati,
je prasäde püre sarva äçä
2) My only wish is to have my consciousness purified by the words emanating from his lotus mouth. Attachment to his lotus feet is the perfection that fulfills all desires.
cakhu-dän dilo jei, janme janme prabhu sei,
divya jïän håde prokäçito
prema-bhakti jähä hoite, avidyä vinäça jäte,
vede gäy jähära carito
3) He opens my darkened eyes and fills my heart with transcendental knowledge. He is my Lord birth after birth. From him ecstatic prema emanates; by him ignorance is destroyed. The Vedic scriptures sing of his character.
çré-guru karuëä-sindhu, adhama janära bandhu,
lokanäth lokera jévana
hä hä prabhu koro doyä, deho more pada-chäyä,
ebe jaça ghuñuk tribhuvana
4) Our spiritual master is the ocean of mercy, the friend of the poor, and the lord and master of the devotees. O master! Be merciful unto me. Give me the shade of your lotus feet. Your fame is spread all over the three worlds.

How many times we must have sung this kirtan during darshan aarti?How many of us really realize the importance and the meaning of this song?How many of us fall into a trance listening or singing to this song?How many of us glorify our Guru Maharaj like this?How many of us really think of Guru as our savior who has come to save fallen souls like me from this material existence of repeated birth and death?How many of us think he is an ocean of mercy?How many of us really think that the Lotus Feet of our Guru Maharaj should be our life and soul?How many of us actually think that being with our Guru Maharaj actually gives us strength and how many of us actually think that only by serving him with our life and soul we can attain the Lotus Feet of Nityananda and Gaurahari and Radha Krishna!

Well these thoughts ponder us over and over.Guru is an ocean of mercy.He should or never can be thought as an ordinary man!Well this time i just wanted to share my experiences during Janmastami celebrations when we had our most merciful Guru Maharaj here for the celebrations.Always hearing our Guru Maharaj arriving to the temple is great news because our dear most Guru Maharaj will be here with us personally guide us and give us instructions.Have you ever realized that when your Guru Maharaj was beside you guiding you...don t you feel like a strong divine force beside you..guiding you.Its a very divine feeling and experience which i have experienced.
The day before Janmastami celebrations is a very busy day...busy day preparing for the appearance of Lord Krishna making garlands and making other things ready.And my Guru Maharaj had also arrived and we all welcomed Gurudeva.Everyone was very happy to see Guru Maharaj.It was bliss.Then we had services till late in the night and we left.Next day is the most awaited day the birthday of Lord Krishna...the day which is awaited whole the year.We came for Mangal Aarti and couldn't imagine the causeless mercy of our Guru Maharaj who led the Kirtan.In the dawn and with your spiritual master leading the Kirtan and all other assembled Vaishanvas just so blissful.And everyone dancing to the tunes of the Harinaam and jumping and laughing...and then everyone is seated to chant and complete their rounds of Japa.Well we wish to chant and chant on this day to receive the causeless mercy of Lord Krishna!Then chanted our rounds with attention and full concentration to grab the Lords attention :) Then came Darshan Aarti where the Lords are greeted with full enthusiasm.And everyone eagerly waiting when the curtains will get opened.Then slowly the curtain is opened with the greeting of Govindam Adipurusham prayers.And Radha Gopinath,Jagannath,Baladev,Subhadra Devi,Giriraj,Narshinga Dev and Tulsi Maharani sport a beautiful blue dress which looks so beautiful and the Lord is the smiling on this birthday :) They looked so beautiful and so wonderful and so joyful.And again causeless mercy when Guru Maharaj led the Guru Puja where Guru is glorified and who is an ocean of mercy.Then all devotees flock to see the Lord.And then there is Srimad Bhagavatam class.Guru Maharaj speaks on the glories of the most auspicious day and before that the most blissful kirtan of Jaya Radha Madhava...nobody sings like Guru deva...he has a very unique style...and we just feel like listening more and more...and Hari Hari it was so enthusiastic singers :)
A small sharing of the lecture...the excerpt :
''Devotees who always lick the honey from the lotus feet of Lord Kåñëa do not care at all for material activities, which are performed under the three modes of material nature and which bring only misery. Indeed, devotees never give up the lotus feet of Kåñëa to return to material activities. Others, however, who are addicted to Vedic rituals because they have neglected the service of the Lord's lotus feet and are enchanted by lusty desires, sometimes perform acts of atonement. Nevertheless, being incompletely purified, they return to sinful activities again and again''.
Well this verse has an elaborate purport by His Divine Grace.Srila Prabhupada.Guru Maharaj constantly stressed on the importance of devotional service to the Lord and his devotees.It mainly emphasized how we have to advance and by purifying us we wont have attraction for material desires.This is only possible due to the causeless mercy of Guru Maharaj.And many more important points were stressed and as well Guru Maharaj was very pleased with the arrangements that were done for the Lords birthday.And then each one was alloted his/her services which everyone were enthusiastic in performing.After sometime...went to see the Lord beautiful face...which is glorified so much in the Puranas as well as scriptures.Then by the causeless mercy of a meet Guru Maharaj.It is a very blissful experience meeting your Guru Maharaj.I have no words to well was very very happy.Guru Maharaj gaves various points on Varnasrama Dharma.And i am very happy to serve my Guru Maharaj in some minute way on his mission of serving Srila Prabhupada.We had a wonderful time and we spoke for a long time with other devotees who were involved with the Varnasrama project.As it was Janmastami everyone was busy and Guru Maharaj's causeless mercy and he asked us to come back on Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja day.The meeting was ever blissful...wished i remain with Guru Maharaj surrendering my life and soul to him.Those hours passed on really quickly.Wished it was more longer :) But i was really happy that i received the mercy of Guru Deva.Then back to services.I was given the service of serving prasadam.Srila Prabhupada always emphasized on serving prasadam.Srila Prabhupada always mentioned that serving prasadam was the highest service.So i was very enthusiastic in serving Vaishnavas and other devotees.This continued till the midnight.This day is a day of rejoicing and it is a day when people and devotees from everywhere come to see the Lord.Darshans were open whole day and the crowds dint stop.And the evening everyone were back refreshed to enjoy the various cultural programmes arranged for everyone.Many devotees as well as the local crowd were present.Guru Maharaj again sang Jaya Radha Madhava :) and i love his style and also there was a lecture addressing the importance of Varnasrama Dharma as well as the importance of mother cow and her products.Lord Krishna is called as the ''Lover of the Cows''. There were many dances,skits and of course blissful Kirtan.Then for the most most important part and the highlight of the day...the Abhishekam and the Aarti of the Lord.And then our Guru Maharaj's god brother and Srila Prabhupadas disciple HG.Anand Maya Prabhu graced the occasion.I just sat there when the dances were going on...and just kept gazing at Guru Maharaj.How the Lord sent Gurudev to deliver fallen souls like me.Looking at him gave a very blissful and wonderful feeling.My chanting became better and better thinking about Guru Maharaj and tried to chant 80 rounds.While looking at Guru Maharaj many thoughts flocked in my why cant i serve him whole his life and make his words my life and soul.Is surrendering to him so difficult?He is an ocean of mercy and mercifully smiling and looking at the dances and other devotees.He is just pleased with even little menial service rendered to him.That is the quality of a highly exaulted Vaishnava who is not from this material world but from Vaikunta who was sent by the Lord to deliver us.Still gazing at Guru Maharaj gave me wonderful thoughts and realizations which will be cherished for a life time.Such memories never ever fade away.Then came an end to the cultural programmes and then came for the most important part of Abhishekam of the Lord when it is actually the time of birth.The Lord is brought in a palanquin like a King and of course it the Lords birthday...and there is a shower of rain and the blissful Harinaam going on...this is so blissful and wonderful.Then the Lord is changed to the abhishekam dress and first Guru Maharaj perfoms the Abhishek ceremony with milk,curd,ghee,juices and others.Then various devotees bath the Lord and blissful Harinaam is led.Guru Maharaj sits on his Vyasasan and watches the Abhishekam ceremony.He smiles now and then,looking at the Lord.The Lords pure devotees experience pure bliss by looking at these wonderful ceremonies.And i was of course looking at Guru Maharaj...i don't know my eyes get drawn to Guru Maharaj always.Looking at all this i smile too and all prabhujis were fanning him.I wondered wish i was born a prabhuji when i could serve Guru Maharaj :)And it is said during the Abhishek ceremony...the Lord is very pleased and after that he grants genuine desires.I only prayed that my Guru Maharaj is always healthy and all his disciples be true to Guru and Gauranga always.Then the Abhishek ceremony is over and then comes the dressing up of the Lord.He is dressed up and yes...put on a swing.And he looked so so so beautiful with his eternal consort Radharani.Also various dishes were placed to offer him foodstuffs.As well Guru Maharaj came up to perform the Aarti and Sri Sri Radha Gopinath were swung gently.Wow i had no words to express.And then everyone sang the Yugala Aarti which had a really deep meaning.And of course...we all danced to the tunes of blissful Harinaam.And then we all awaited for Mahaprasadam :) and had Caranamrit of the Lord...the nectar of the Lotus Feet of the Lord.And all were enthusiastic and still happy.
The next day is a very very important day for the whole Iskcon world.The Vyasa Puja of Srila Prabhupada, a very highly elevated devotee who gifted the whole world the most nectarian Krishna Consciousness.This movement is in the foot steps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu who came to save the fallen souls of Kaliyuga and take everyone back,back to Godhead.And it started again with the Abhishekam of Srila Prabhupada.We were all in the kitchen making arrangements for the abhishekam and also offerings for Srila Prabhupada!Then Guru Maharaj spoke about his times with Srila Prabhupada.A small excerpt :
My Guru Maharaj as i heard was the chief cook when Srila Prabhupada and Prabhupada appreciated Guru Maharajs cooking and Guru Maharaj said it was the most cherished moment with Srila Prabhupada and also cited many more experiences.
Guru Maharaj also said EVERYDAY IS A FESTIVAL IN KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS.EVERYDAY THE FESTIVAL BEGINS AT MANGAL AARTI :) So this was a point to be really thought of and how important mangal Aarti to us is.Wish everyone attends Mangal Aarti.It is a wonderful time of the day when there are no disturbances and the mind is calm and peaceful and can chant our rounds with attention.
Then HG.Anand Maya prabhu spoke of his experiences with Srila Prabhupada.And also read the offering of HH.Giriraj Maharaj,whose offering brought tears to our eyes.It was written so beautifully with so much of love and affection and with so much of humility and SURRENDER.Then came the pushpanjali of Srila Prabhupada!Then came the most blissful Harinaam led by Guru Maharaj.The whole temple was purified by his chanting.And everyone danced and danced to the tunes of the Mahamantra as well raised their hands.It looked like the Sankirtan of Lord Nityananda and Caitanya who looked so beautiful with their raised hands.And this continued and everyone danced and danced.Then Guru Maharaj was so happy and all of us experienced such bliss.It was like a divine presence guiding us and i cannot express it in words.Then we all had Mahaprasadam.Then again came another session with Guru Maharaj.This was so blissfu.We spoke for nearly three hours.And took instructions and guidance from Guru Maharaj.Again gazed and gazed at Gurudeva.His presence was so wonderful and so blissful.Then returned home with a happy heart.Wish life was like this always being with Guru Maharaj,taking his instructions and making his instructions and making his words our life and soul.Also the next day got the mercy of meeting Guru Maharaj.Maharaj stressed on the importance of preaching and asked everyone of us to help preaching.And also he laughed and joked with us.This gave us immense happiness.
These days with Gurudeva will be cherished forever in my heart.It was the causeless mercy of a devotee who asked me to come and meet Guru Maharaj.As well the causeless mercy of Srila Guru Deva who mercifully spoke to us...this fallen soul...laughed and joked and spoke well which filled my heart with immense happiness.This happiness cannot be can only be experienced.I humbly fall at the Lotus Feet of my Guru Deva who has showered his causeless mercy on this most fallen soul.I hope to serve my Gurudeva with my life and soul always and his words should always be strung around my neck and it should be remembered always.I can just pray saying this verse:
vaiñëaba öhäkura, doyära sägara,
e däse koruëä kori'
diyä pada-chäyä, çodho he ämäya,
tomära caraëa dhori
O venerable Vaiñëava, O ocean of mercy, be merciful unto your servant. Give me the shade of your lotus feet and purify me. I hold on to your lotus feet.

ekäké ämära, nähi päya bala,
tumi kåpä kori', çraddhä-bindu diyä,
deho' kåñëa-näma-dhane
I do not find the strength to carry on alone the saìkértana of the holy name of Hari. Please bless me by giving me just one drop of faith with which to obtain the great treasure of the holy name of Kåñëa.

Jaya Srila Gurudeva!
HH.Bhakti Raghava Maharaj ki Jaya!
Nitai Gaura Hari Hari Bol!

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