Saturday, September 29, 2007


“I shall personally inaugurate the religion of the age—nama-sankirtana, the congregational chanting of the holy name. I shall make the world dance in ecstasy, realizing the four mellows of loving devotional service.” - Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Caitanya Caritamrita Ädi 3.19

Have you ever felt like dancing to the tunes of:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare?

What does this most blissful word Sankirtan mean?Read more :

It needs to be experienced once and its taste is so sweet that we can never forget it.Its so sweet,sweeter than the sweetest :) And the devotees who love Harinaam are the best because Lord Gauranga himself propagated the Sankirtan movement.If the Lord himself propagated it than imagine how wonderful it is. I know a few devotees who do Harinaam whole day and they love every moment of it.They want more and more Harinaams though they do it every single day.They sing for hours and hours altogether,making all the people listen to the Holy names of the Lord which gives them the greatest benefit.Lord Gauranga and his associates will be very very pleased with these Sankirtan devotees who dedicate their life and soul to Harinaam.That is the glories of Harinaam and the devotees whose life is dedicated to Harinaam.

In Paris on July 20, 1972 Srila Prabhupada’s first words of address were as follows: “Sankirtana movement. This sankirtana movement was started by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu five hundred years ago for mitigating the sufferings of the people of the world. He predicted that in every village, in every town on the surface of the globe, let this sankirtana movement be spread out and people will be happy and they’ll find Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

And one most wonderful quality is that who loves Harinaam love Lord Gauranga with their heart and soul. When we chant and dance the holy name,Lord Gauranga also is with us eternally guiding us and he is so pleased.
This was my most blissful experience at Sri Jagannath Puri Dham and with a Sankirtan party in which devotees danced like mad elephants.On the Rath Yatra day i and two more devotees walked early to the road where the Rath Yatra was to be pulled.It was so early and there were not many devotees in the early morning.Then there were devotees flocking and the crowd became so huge with 9 lakh people from all over the world.It was 1 in the afternoon and we were tired walking since morning and without any prasadam.We just wanted to take some rest and we went out for sometime and later at time i saw a huge banner of Srila Prabhupada and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.I wondered what was going on there.It was a Sankirtan party :) It was Iskcon Sankirtan party with devotees all over the world.The devotees there mostly in saffron would be less than 25 years.I was just amazed at their commitment and sincerity at such an young age.They began the Harinaam and they began to dance and they danced and shouted blissfully singing the Holy names of the Lord. The devotees were mad in ecstacy and they danced and danced and shouted and looked so happy.This happiness is totally out of this mundane material world.It is happiness which we experience when we sing the glories of the Holy names of the Lord.It started like this and we started dancing too.Lord Gauranga is there wherever a Sankirtan party is going on.And the tunes were so wonderful that we danced and danced.Then the Rath Yatra started and the huge gongs and other instruments signaled.I held a banner of Lord Caitanya and it was very heavy :) but i could hold it for some time.Thanks for the mercy of the kind devotee.Then the crowds became so intense and it was like so jam packed.Lord Jagannath called us mercifully.Then we went away for a while so that the crowds become less but it became more and more crowded :) Later we saw the Sankirtan party again.And the same devotees were dancing like mad elephants for so long and it just amazed me like anything i have never seen something like this before.The kind brahmacaris encouraged us to dance and we danced again and tried to dance like them but seriously couldn't it was so tough....but they loved every moment of it.The saffron clothes were wet and soaked and still they dint stop they jumped and jumped in ecstacy.
Then all the devotees all over the world joined our party and they lived so simply and they were so contended always and smiled and were so happy.They were very kind and we danced with them shouting the holy names of the Lord.Then a Sanyasi assisted us and he sang with us and we jumped and danced like anything.He encouraged us more and more.We were dancing in the Dham during the Rath Yatra with Lord Caitanya guiding us and also before Lord Jagannath was so blissful.It was just out of this world.Truly blissful.It was 7 in the night and still everyone was so enthusiastic and so happy.Then the Rath of Lord Jagannath came to a still.And it was so amazing i just have no words and everyone was so happy.And there were 2 devotees.One who carried Gaura Nitai on his head.I pay my most humble obeisances unto his Lotus Feet for he was so dedicated to Gaura Nitai.He made Gaura Nitai also dance with us and the deities swung to and forth.It was like Lord Gauranga was with us.The other devotee carried Lord Jagannath,Baladev and Subhadra Mayi on his head.They were so dedicated.They danced like anything,truly out of this world.
I can just keep writing and writing,for this Harinaam Sankirtan is the best.Harer namaiva kevalam :) and not only me thousands of devotees who experience pure bliss when Harinaam is going on.It can only be experienced. This is purely transcendental which mundane materialists cannot understand.There are so many devotees who have experienced,been experiencing and tasting the nectarian Holy names of the Lord.It is just awesome.I wish and pray that i will get some taste for Harinaam like those devotees whose life and soul is dedicated to Harinaam Sankirtan which was started by Gauranga himself.Experience the bliss of Harinaam today and forever and enter Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan party.

Harinaam Sankirtan Ki Jai!
Harinaam Premi's ki Jai :)
Jai Nitai Gaura Premanande!
Hari Hari bol!

This is dedicated to the most sincere souls who love Harinaam with their life and soul and experience bliss each time and love Gaura Nitai will all their heart!!!!!

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