Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A small example of tolerance and humility!

Nitai and Gaurahari's Dasi always!
trinad api sunicena
taror api sahisuna
amanina manadena
kirtaneya sada harih
One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than the straw in the street; one should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige, and should be ready to offer all respect to others. In such a state of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly.
[Sri Siksastaka Prayer 3 by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu!]

We always think...we should be humble and tolerant but i am not sure how many are.I am not humble nor tolerant..but this experience reminded me many things...on how we should be and how we can be humble and Vaishnavas blessings and mercy...i will change for the better.
This incident happened when i went to Sri Vrindavan Dham during Kartik month.We took a rickshaw and were on the way to Sri Bankey Bihari Mandir.We were all very excited to go to the temple...and it being my first time i was even more excited.On the way...the rickshaw was moving a bit faster and then had to stop because there was some traffic.Then by mistake the rickshaw just touched a scooter...well it just touched and then the scooter man got so angry and started howling at the rickshaw puller.Then the scooter man got down and started slapping the rickshaw puller and used abusive words.Still the rickshaw puller did not speak a word.He was smiling and was so so humble and tolerant and he said Radhe Radhe.And guess the scooter man was still abusing him and this man was so tolerant.
Now imagine...most of us if we were placed in this situation,would have surely abused the man back or even got into a fight.All our anger and frustration we would vent on him and curse him etc.But before we do...don't you think we have to remember this rickshaw puller and his humility and tolerance?Do we have to learn something from him?
Yes,of course....Lord Nityananda and Gaurahari sees the heart of a person...not his material knowledge or his wealth.He sees how tolerant he is and how patient and humble he is.When Gaurahari sees such a person,he immediately gives him the highest benediction of Gaura Prema...and thus we attain perfection of life...what else do we need?And of course Nitai and Gaurahari distributed Prema to everyone regardless of his position,beauty etc...Gaurasundara just made him his Dasa :) what mercy :)
We can now imagine...of course he was a Vraj Wasi....born in the most holy tirtha Sri Vrindavan Dham...and thus Sri Radhe eternally resides in his heart.So we must imagine how much of Bhakti or love he must have for Sri Radhe that he is so patient and so humble and so tolerant?Why cant we be like him.We should never underestimate a person.A person may be materially poor, but he has the greatest gift of life of Gaura Nitai Prema which will automatically make us approach Sri Radha and Krishna!So we must realize that this material education and wealth is just useless before the love of God[this is due to my past experience with persons who are proud of their knowledge,wealth and beauty]. Also we should be engaged in the devotional service to Sri Gaurahari always...otherwise...taking birth is useless if we do not serve Gaura Nitai.
Well yes,this incident taught me a lot.I still remember the rickshaw puller,not the scooter man[i was angry with him for slapping the rickshaw puller] and this reminds me that i should be like the rickshaw puller in humility and tolerance and not like the scooter man :)
And also i pray at the Lotus Feet of that Braj Wasi that i become humble and tolerant like him and then only i can chant the holy names of the Lord.I seek his blessings though i don t think he remembers me or not.Well is not the question of rememberance or not it is the question of how humble and patient you are.

Jai Radhe Shyam!
Jai Vrindavan Dham!
Jai Rickshaw puller :) and all glories goes to him!
Nitai Gaura Hari Bol!

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